There have been some small updates made. I tried to develop a three-column layout for the site, but it just didn't work, so I had to pretty much restart from scratch. The site is best viewed in Internet Explorer.
Some new changes:
1. About Us - This section gives a brief description of what we're trying to do and who we are.
2. Team Salaries - To the right, you can see up-to-date estimates of our beloved teams' salaries and payrolls.
3. New Poll - What should the team do with Brett Myers?
4. "What I'm Reading" - Instead of posting the links to our favorite blogs and sites, we've decided to now post their most recent posts. Such a thing may possibly develop better site traffic for both their site and ours.
If you have any more suggestions, please e-mail us via the "Contact Us" button at the top or via a comment to this post.
I know this site has not been taken incredibily seriously in its early history, but we truly want to improve it and make it a site that you'd be interested in checking out on a daily basis. Spread the word to your friends and so forth.
I understand some of the things that we post are news updates and rumors that you can read in different papers and so forth, but we feel we can make it somewhat easier for you by putting them all on here so you only need one place to go.
With less work in the summer, there will likely be more updates and changes to the website in the near future.
Lastly, we're always looking for more writers, specifically someone who'd like to write about the 76ers because at times we feel that they get a little under-appreciated here.
Pirates Outright Alika Williams
1 hour ago
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